Comprehensive Conservation Plan


Comprehensive Conservation Plans (CCPs) provide long-term guidance for management decisions on a refuge and set forth goals, objectives, and strategies needed to accomplish refuge purposes. CCPs also identify the Service’s best estimate of future needs. These plans detail program levels that are sometimes substantially above current budget allocations and, as such, are primarily for Service strategic planning and program prioritization purposes. CCPs do not constitute a commitment for staffing increases, operational and maintenance increases, or funding for future land acquisition.

Appendixes from the Comprehensive Conservation Plan can be accessed below.

Partner organizations that are part of the Friends of Silvio O. Conte Refuge (FOC) partnership network played an instrumental role in the creation of two landscape based documents, the Connect the Connecticut - Landscape Conservation Design as well as the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge - Comprehensive Conservation Plan. The FOC provides the forum, foundation, and framework to forge partnerships, improving communication, coordination, and collaboration for the benefit of wildlife and people in the Connecticut River Watershed through improved conservation, recreation, education, access, and overall environmental quality outcomes.